ARRI Daylight 18/12
Where a lightweight Fresnel spotlight using daylight characteristics with compact size and high efficiency is needed, ARRI Daylight Fresnels are the preferred choice. ARRI's elegant modular construction, using corrosion-resistant aluminium extrusions and lightweight die castings, offers great structural strength and weather resistance. Together with ARRI Electronic High Speed Ballasts, this rugged HMI Fresnel is ideal for all types of location lighting.
Creamsource SpaceX
Rotolight Titan X2
The Rotolight Titan™ X2 is a ground-breaking LED soft light that utilizes state of the art RGBWW technology to provide unparalleled light output, outstanding colour accuracy and a suite of industry-first features designed to enhance your creative possibilities. Featuring over 25 patent protected technologies*, Titan™ X2 represents the pinnacle of LED lighting, pushing the boundaries of innovation and technical excellence.
The M90 closes the gap between M40 and ARRIMAX 18/12, which sits almost exactly in the middle between the two. The unit is focusable from 15° up to 49° just by turning the focus knob, producing a remarkably even light field and a crisp, clear shadow. The elimination of spread lenses speeds up the workflow on set.
A member of the ARRI M-Series, the M40 is a lens-less system that unifies the advantages of Fresnel and PAR fixtures. The unit is open face and thus very bright: around 30 % brighter than an AS40 in spot. Due to its unique, patented MAX Technology reflector, it is also focussable over a range of 18 to 52° Half Peak Angle. The M40 gives a remarkably even beam spread that casts crisp shadows over the whole focus range. The reflector characteristics is optimised for 4,000 W lamps, but can also be used with 2,500 W lamps.
The ARRI M18 is an 1,800 W open face lamphead, combining the Academy Scientific and Engineering Award-winning lens-less optical technology of the ARRIMAX with the innovative True Blue design. The result is an extremely powerful lamphead, as small as a 1,200W PAR but with a 70 % higher light output. The M-Series M18 fixture is adjustable from 20° to 60° without requiring spreader lenses.
ARRI True Blue T5
ARRI True Blue represent an unprecedented evolution of the location fixtures that have been popular workhorses for over two decades. Following extensive research and feedback from lighting professionals around the world, combined with advances in technology, ARRI has designed a series of six highly innovative lampheads with over 30 new improvements for studio and location lighting. ARRI True Blue T5 is available in both manual and pole-operated versions.
ARRI True Blue T2
ARRI True Blue represent an unprecedented evolution of the location fixtures that have been popular workhorses for over two decades. Following extensive research and feedback from lighting professionals around the world, combined with advances in technology, ARRI has designed a series of six highly innovative lampheads with over 30 new improvements for studio and location lighting. ARRI True Blue T2 is available in both manual and pole-operated versions.